Why Waldorf Schools do Plays Every Year in Lower, Middle, and High School April 05 2016
Why Waldorf Schools do Plays Every Year in Lower, Middle, and High School
Ever wonder why Waldorf teachers insist on a class play almost every year? Ever wonder why puppet shows are so popular in Waldorf schools? Drama, play-acting, puppet making and manipulation are among the most therapeutic and expressive tools know to human beings! That’s why!
There is a deep social element to the entire curriculum in a Waldorf school. Everything includes an element of social balance and the gathering of any class into a harmonious working organism. Plays work magic in getting to this goal.
To make a social outcast in the challenging times of sixth, seventh, and eighth grades the one who prompts for missing lines makes a whole class dependent on that outcast which transforms relationships. Quiet steady workers without any large voice in a class, can flower as a hero in a play. Morality and truth can becomes paramount through a compelling story acted out in a play.
Drama is the bridge from free play in early childhood to more organized play in elementary grades. Wearing a costume and feeling what it is like to be a character who is unlike oneself can change a human being’s whole perspective on life! Even professional actors have expressed their love of costumes and character development.
The therapeutic effects of puppeteering have been demonstrated with children struggling with autism, with depressive young people, and with convicts in prisons. Often is becomes easier with an objective “being” in one’s hands to express deep feelings that would otherwise remain unspoken.
Of course, putting on a dramatic production is challenging work, inspiring though it is! Not all teachers feel ready or equipped to pull this off. But at Waldorf Publications, there’s help and hope!
Visit www.waldorfpublications.org and see the many books on how to do a play, how to choose a play, why we do plays in Waldorf schools, tips for line memorization, casting, costuming, set making, and drama coaching. There are plays, musicals, explanations and specific directions there for accomplishing a glorious play with a group of young people – from ages six to eighteen.
Waldorf Publications provides through these books, from the hearts and writing of experienced Waldorf teachers, inspiration and assistance in wading into this endlessly creative artistic realm of drama! Also there are many books with stories that, for the creative teacher, provide kindling for writing an original play. Take a look and begin your brilliant directing career as a teacher!