Book Review - Verses and Poems and Stories to Tell March 10 2024

Four Words
One spring day, a little Gnome woke up a little Seed Child, who was sleeping soundly underground. “Wake up, wake up!” cried the Gnome.
Still half asleep, the little Seed Child answered, “Oh, oh—it is so long since I fell asleep that it’s hard to remember who I am. Please, kind Gnome, tell me my name.”
“I remember your name,” answered the Gnome, “for I have to remember the names of all the Seed Children. Last autumn you gave me your name to keep for you, and now you may have it back. It is Violet.”
As soon as she heard her name, little Violet felt happy and wanted to really wake up and do something. “Now what shall I do?” she asked.
“My friend, the Water Fairy, will tell you,” answered the Gnome.
So he called to the Water Fairy, who spoke to little Violet and said, “You must grow!”
As soon as Violet heard the word “grow,” she pushed her little head up, and stretched her little feet down, and pushed and stretched, while the Gnome danced around singing her name, and the Water Fairy brought her many cool drinks of water, saying, “Grow, grow, grow.”
As soon as Violet’s little head peeped above the ground into the air, an Air Fairy greeted her, saying, “Fast, fast, fast!” Then her short, green stems grew tall, her tiny, green leaves grew broad, and her little head grew larger and larger.
At last one day, a Sun Fairy touched her head with his wand of light, saying, “I bring you a color from the rainbow, and it is purple.”
Violet felt so happy that she lifted her head high and let forth her beautiful, purple petals. Now the Gnome, the Water Fairy, the Air Fairy, and the Sun Fairy all sang to greet her with the words each one had given her:
“Purple violet, grow fast.”
Check it out in the bookstore!