Cymatics, Vol I & II

Hans Jenny


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Cymatics, the study of wave phenomena, is a science pioneered by Swiss medical doctor and natural scientist, Hans Jenny (1904-1972).

This comprehensive edition documents over 14 years of his meticulous experiments using audible sound to excite powders, pastes and liquids into life-like, flowing forms. The stunning array of images reflects a variety of patterns found throughout nature, art and architecture. The photographs in this book are of entirely "natural" phenomena, there are no computer generated images.

This revised edition contains the complete, English language text of the bilingual edition published in 1967, Kymatic/Cymatics, (from the Greek ta kymatika, "pertaining to waves") as well as the entire text from Cymatics, Vol. II, published in 1972. It also includes all of the photographs from the original editions which illustrate these amazing phenomena in vivid detail.

Macromedia Publishing
ISBN 1-888-13807-6
296 pages
9.25 x 10.25 inches

Over 350 photos, including 16 full-page color images