Word Mastery Primer

Hugh Renwick

$15.00 $20.00

The Word Mastery Primer is a wonderful resource to aid teachers in organizing word families and to help them to create picture-filled stories. Words and phonemes together are grouped artfully to make them memorable and delightful for children learning to read. This book serves also as a reader with imaginative short stories to help children to practice the sound families they have learned. The author draws on a number of resources as well as his own considerable experience and creativity to build this short and comprehensive collection for teachers. The book has been used in manuscript form for teacher training in the Education Department at Antioch University, New England for decades. This gem of a reading primer has helped hundreds of teachers in this most memorable approach to opening the world for children learning to put sounds together with letters.

Waldorf Publications
ISBN: 1936367874
Soft cover
128 pages
8.5" x 11"