Three Plays for Small Classes
Vivian Jones Schmidt$15.00 $20.00
Three Plays for Small Classes offers class teachers an inspiring start at approaches to drama with only a few in middle school. Vivian Jones-Schmidt demonstrates her Waldorf class teaching experience in the ingenious re-telling of profound tales through the scripts she offers. Drama is a source of endless redemption for pre-teens and for students of all ages, really. To use these plays in school to emphasize the lessons already included in the middle school curriculum is to underscore memorable aspects of history, literature, and science as well as to unite students socially at a difficult age. Everything needed to do a play without needing to worry about “too few” students is offered in this rare collection of finely written plays. All teachers should take a look! It’s worth it as these stories prompt inspiration, aspiration, and fun — good medicine all around for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade classes!
Waldorf Publications
ISBN-13: 978-1943582037
124 Pages
8.5" x 11"
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