Sonia Setzer$21.50
Relating the trajectory of a literary character from the Middle Ages with the life of modern human beings may seem, at first glance, somewhat unlikely. However, in a methodical and detailed study of the famous narrative Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach – which inspired Richard Wagner in his homonymous opera – Sonia Setzer invites us on an unusual journey through the tortuous evolutionary path of the knight from many centuries ago and the obstacles necessarily overcome in undertaking to achieve the full consciousness of the modern human being.
Sonia Setzer’s lifelong commitment to anthroposophy and teacher of the Parzival legend to high schoolers in Sao Paulo led her to writing this book. Translated now into English, the book can be ours in North America! The author builds a compelling case of Parzival as a living image of the modern human being, facing individual jousts toward a comprehension of the inner life of each of us. During tumultuous times, pictures speak profoundly of the turmoil within, and Parzival’s tale provides profound pictures that unriddle the many trials modern people must face.
Sonia Setzer retells the story of Parzival – from naïve fool to Grail Castle King – to offer the reader a “road map” through the symbolism and power of the pictures imaginatively created in this ancient legend. The book can help every reader to fulfill the directive from many ancient texts of “Oh Human Being, know thyself.” The author’s comprehension of the story and its deeper meaning is complete, and her delineation of the power of accepting our individual journeys, inwardly and outwardly, is beautiful and instructive.
Waldorf Publications
ISBN: 978-1-943582-29-7
346 pages
6x9 inches
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