Movement for the Young Child
Estelle Bryer$23.00
Eurythmy for the Young Child is a stunning collection of stories, songs and poems that will serve your children equally well as the basis for eurythmy, storytime, circle time or simple, delightful interludes throughout the day.
Estelle Bryer has had 45 years experience working with kindergarten children as teacher, adviser, puppeteer and eurythmy therapist but specializing as kindergarten eurythmist. The all-encompassing contents are a culmination of her work. The delightful lessons are suitable for circle time or eurythmy lessons (ages 3-8 years), and are complete in themselves. They cover the seasons, festivals and stories such as the Turnip or Golden Goose and more, and include written music. They have separate suggestions for use by the kindergarten or eurythmy teacher.
There are also helpful suggestions and instructions for the kindergarten teacher or eurythmist in handling problems, creating moods and using descriptive gestures or vowels and consonants. The importance of eurythmy and the why and how it effects the development of the young child is clearly gone into as well as all the vital elements used for healthy growth. The stories, songs and poems are highly imaginative and fun!
This is another wonderful contribution by our friends at WECAN.
Estelle Bryer has had 45 years experience working with kindergarten children as teacher, adviser, puppeteer and eurythmy therapist but specializing as kindergarten eurythmist. The all-encompassing contents are a culmination of her work. The delightful lessons are suitable for circle time or eurythmy lessons (ages 3-8 years), and are complete in themselves. They cover the seasons, festivals and stories such as the Turnip or Golden Goose and more, and include written music. They have separate suggestions for use by the kindergarten or eurythmy teacher.
There are also helpful suggestions and instructions for the kindergarten teacher or eurythmist in handling problems, creating moods and using descriptive gestures or vowels and consonants. The importance of eurythmy and the why and how it effects the development of the young child is clearly gone into as well as all the vital elements used for healthy growth. The stories, songs and poems are highly imaginative and fun!
This is another wonderful contribution by our friends at WECAN.
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