Chapters from Ancient History

Dorothy Harrer

$19.50 $26.00


For those interested in the dawning and journey of Western Civilization, and for those teaching fifth grade or tenth grade in a Waldorf school, this is a rich collection of insights into those cultures that birthed our contemporary culture, language, and artistic sensibilities. From Ancient India, through Persia, Babylon, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the glory of Greece, the descriptions of each civilization's rise and decline are full of pictures and biographies that illuminate the times in colorful examples and poetic samplings. 
This is a "must have" for teachers and could be used as a reader for students thirteen and older. Dorothy Harrer's understanding of the imaginative capacities of children combines with skillful story telling to carry the reader to lands far away and long ago. She links the ancient wisdom, spirituality, literature and illustrious people to our current times. The insights that arise from this are invaluable.

Waldorf Publications
ISBN: 1936367890
Soft cover
152 pages
7 x 10