Teacher and Parent Support
If you are taking up the task of teaching in the fall — new to the task or experienced, here are some books for strengthening the more ephemeral “muscles” that help make teaching clearer and more productive. You may know already that it is the intangibles that are the magic of successful teaching. In Waldorf Education, this includes meditative practices and concentration on child observation.
Here are some book suggestions for Waldorf teachers and parents-becoming-teachers, to help understand how the process works in Waldorf Education. Keep in mind that our worldview is different from the mainstream worldview of child/human development. Along with body and soul, we include spirit as an essential element in a complete human being. This transcends any formal religion, dogma, or list of compulsory beliefs. Think of the capacity of love, the qualities of inspiration, idealism, aspirations, and also the ability to imagine inner pictures and ideals, and the knack of following our “gut” or intuition. These are aspects that demonstrate the spiritual element in all human development.
For Teacher and Parent Support and Self-Development:
Handbook for Waldorf Class Teachers Kevin Avison
And Who Shall Teach the Teachers edited by the Pedagogical Section Council
Awakening Intelligence Magda Lisseau
Balance in Teaching Rudolf Steiner
Child Development and Pedagogical Issues David Mitchell, ed.
Classroom Considerations Jørgen Smit
Creating a Circle of Collaborative Spiritual Leadership edited by the Pedagogical Section Council
Evaluation, Homework, and Teacher Support David Mitchell, ed.
Finding Your Self Torin Finser
From Images to Thinking David Mitchell, ed.
Growing up Healthy in a World of Digital Media Michaela Glöckler
Helping Children on Their Way Elizabeth Auer, ed.
Helping Children to Overcome Fear Hawthorn Press
Immersion Learning: a travelogue Frans Lutters and Leiden University
Morality and Ethics in Education David Mitchell, ed.
Observing the Class Observing the Children David Mitchell, ed.
Republican Academies: Rudolf Steiner on Self-Management, Experiential Study and Self-education Francis Gladstone
See the Child, Love the Child, Know Yourself: Now Teach! Elan Leibner
Sleep: An Unobserved Element in Education Audrey McAllen
Solving the Riddle of the Child — The Art of the Child Study Christof Wiechert
Teaching, the Joy of Profession Christof Wiechert
The Great Initiaties Eduard Schuré
Tending the Spark Betty Staley
The Four Temperaments Helmut Eller
The Kingdom of Childhood Rudolf Steiner
The Meditative Life of the Teacher Pedagogical Section Council
The Seven Core Principles of Waldorf Education Elan Leibner, ed.
The Temperaments and the Arts Magda Lisseau
Thy Will Be Done Roberto Trostli
Towards Creative Thinking Martyn Rawson & Brian Masters, ed.
Trailing Clouds of Glory Douglas Gerwin
Working with Anxious Nervous and Depressed Children Hennig Köhler
More for Parents and Teachers
Adventures in Parenting Rachel Ross
Assessment for Learning in Waldorf Classrooms Sara Ciborski & Helen-Ann Ireland
Child Development at a Glance Christian Breme
Confessions of a Waldorf School Parent Margaret Gorman
Into the World Douglas Gerwin, ed.
Parent Participation in the Life of a Waldorf School Manfred Liest
Partnerships of Hope Christopher Schaefer
Rubicon Monica Roef
Waldorf Education: An Introduction Henry Barnes
Windows into Waldorf David Mitchell
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