The Waldorf Kindergarten: single copy

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An informative enrollment brochure.

The early years of childhood provide the foundation for a healthy life. Everything is important: the warmth of adults, the tone of voice, the aesthetics of the environment, to name a few. This is the age where seeds are planted for a lifetime of adventure through
learning. How this is brought to the child is crucial.

The following two essays by Waldorf educators provide a snap-shot to help parents determine if this education is the correct one for their family. I say family because the two triangles of parent, child, teacher, and home, classroom, professional educator should be in complete alignment.

What Young Children Really Need: The Essentials of Waldorf Early Childhood Education, by Susan Howard

Strengthening the Foundational Senses of the Young Child, by Nancy Blanning and Laurie Clark

8 page brochure


Single copy