Whittle Your Ears

Barbara Dawson Betteridge

$12.75 $17.00

Whittle Your Ears is a delightful collection of poems, songs, and plays for the elementary grades collected from the papers of Barbara Dawson Betteridge a longtime supporter of the Highland Hall Waldorf School.

As the title suggests the author has a wonderful and fresh approach to sound and language. Children, parents, and teachers will delight in the treasures brought forth in this book.

Plays include:
"Mont Saint Michel"
"Our Favorite Star" for Grade Three
"Grammar's Garden" for Grade Four
"The Magic Pitcher" for Grade Five
"The Golden Fleece" for Grade Five
"The Castle of the Kingdom of the Stones" for Grade Six
"The Sacred Flame"
"The Other Wise Man." 

Waldorf Publications
ISBN 1-88365-68-4
194 pages
7.5 x 11 inches