Teaching Science Through the Grades

David Mitchell

$15.75 $21.00

Here is a book with a variety of essays by experienced Waldorf teachers on the unique approach to science in Waldorf schools, first grade through twelfth grade. Each of the authors represented has years of experience in the thrill of teaching science phenomenologically.  Science really starts in Kindergarten in these schools with careful observation and joy in the natural world an integral part of every day in the pre-school years. This continues through the grades with increasing focus given to observation as an art and a high-level skill; and increasing focus, as the grades go up, on clear thinking derived from this keen observation. Experience the thinking behind this unique approach to all things scientific through these lectures gathered into one book.  Waldorf Publications offers this book with pride and deep admiration for all the teachers represented here and for the editor ho recognized the value of each essay, each teacher.

The editor, David Mitchell, was himself an experienced class and high school teacher. He enjoyed science teaching above all other subjects and devoted his days to research in the sciences. He developed the Waldorf Publications science kits with colleagues in the field.  Over decades he produced the Waldorf Science Newsletter for all the science and technology "geeks" in the Waldorf community!

Waldorf Publications
ISBN: 978-1-943582-42-6
110 pages
7 x 10 inches