Helping Children on Their Way

Elizabeth Auer


$52.00 $65.00

Teachers and parents know that each child is a tiny miracle, a complex puzzle needing to be solved. This book is packed with insights from experienced teachers in Waldorf schools describing methods that a teacher can employ to help an individual child while helping an entire class. Child observation, movement exercises, eye-hand coordination, effective tracking of the difficulties a child might have, temperaments, artistic work, moveable classrooms, disciplinary techniques, understanding the place of sleep, hands-on activities, and much, much more are all packed into this one book. Elizabeth Auer, the editor, has gathered 30 chapters from almost as many teachers to instruct us on approaches that can unlock the mystery presented by every child we teach. Her own years of experience in remedial ideas for support of every student along with a whole class makes the selection of topics and teachers especially incisive and complete. Parents, too, can use the book to help a child at home with learning challenges.

Read an excerpt: Points for Observation and Description for the Child Study - David Mitchell.

All who work with children in any capacity can find useful techniques, creative ideas, and effective exercises and practices for, well, helping children on their way!

Mom's Choice Helping Children on Their Way Waldorf PublicationsHelping Children on Their Way has been named among the best in family-friendly media, products, and services by the Mom's Choice Awards®

The CEO of Mom’s Choice Awards, Dawn Matheson said about the book:
“We are happy to award deserving books like "Helping Children on Their Way". Our panel of judges really felt this collection of classroom support essays merited a place on our list of the best in family-friendly products that homeschooling parents and educators can feel confident in using.”

About the Mom’s Choice Awards® The Mom’s Choice Awards® (MCA) evaluates products and services created for children, families and educators. The program is globally recognized for establishing the benchmark of excellence in family-friendly media, products and services. The organization is based in the United States and has reviewed thousands of entries from more than 55 countries.
Around the world, parents, educators, retailers and members of the media look for the MCA mother-and-child Honoring Excellence seal of approval when selecting quality products and services for children and families.
Learn more about the Mom's Choice Awards by visiting their website:

Waldorf Publications
ISBN: 978-1-943582-02-0
Color illustrations
310 pages